
*  “I enjoy thinking about ways to create something that other people have not even

*  thought about, something no one has managed to achieve."

*     -Shigeru Myamoto


private Games[] MyProjects = {


In RepairDefense you are a lone survivor, trying to defend your last bastion against the forces of evil.

Getting in Trouble

You're playing a toy which Family is moving to another home. You are searching for a safe place, while hidding from "trouble". But will find something much richer.


Two Player Couch Co-Op Game with Portals. You Play with a friend to solve the Puzzles that are Split up into two Worlds, the 3D Overworld and the 2D Underworld.

Future Equestrian

A small game born of a random name generator which was part of a school project

The Abandoned

You are a blind Wolf who got abandoned by his pack. Now you're trying to find them using your sondwaves.
